Lincoln County Hospital, located in Davenport, Washington, is a Critical Access Hospital with a real heart for their community.
As with many CAH's, Lincoln has to work hard to do their best with the limited resources available.
With the support of their community, the active participation of their hospital staff and the innovative leadership of
their administration, they have accomplished many things that seem out of reach for a hospital of their size. One area in
which they have excelled is their compliance program. Often, a compliance program is difficult for a CAH. But Lincoln has
shown that size has nothing to do with quality.

Lincoln was able to obtain some funding through grants to help them initiate a comprehensive compliance program that included
several thorough risk assessment audits and reporting, a new corporate compliance plan and a comprehensive complaince trianing
PowerPoint seminar which was presented to their entire staff, including providers and members of their board. A compliance
hotline and reporting forms were instigated, monthly compliance tips and quizzes are sent to the staff that result in great
participation because they know how to make compliance fun. Their compliance committee meets regularly and targets a list
of risk issues, creates a working plan for resolving these and moves progressively forward.
Lincoln is a good example of what you can do with a seemingly impossible hill to climb - compliance in a small hospital
- when you're innovative, when you hve a plan and stick to it, when you involve staff at every level, garner support from
your board, learn to make it a fun experience and educate, educate, educate.
Smart Cookies Consulting is proud to have been able to help Lincoln County Hospital in this very large and successful
project. To learn more about Lincoln County Hospital, please visit them at the link below.