Newport Community Hospital sits nestled in the foothills on the Washington/Idaho border in an outdoor recreation mecca. It's
a critical access hospital that has decided there are no boundaries on the imaginative ways it can utilize it's resources
to improve the community's health.
One of Newport's initiatives was to use technology and the computer as a means to educate their employees. Their goal
is to be rid of as many bulky, difficult to update, paper training manuals as possible and create an educational system that
literally sits at the employees fingertips, is available for easy reference from any worksite and cuts down on the usage of

Smart Cookies and Newport have embarked on a project to institute Computer Based Training throughout the facility. In most
instances, this will take much less time, manpower and coordination than the traditional classroom training. The employee
will be able to take courses on their own schedule, easily reference the training material and take their tests on-line. These
tests will be graded by the Computer Based Training software, let the employee know if they did or didn't pass and which questions
were answered incorrectly. The test scores are stored in the system to become a part of the employees record.
So far, Computer Based Training courses have been created for new employee and yearly training in compliance, HIPAA and the
hospital safety course, which reside on their own server. We are currently working with Newport to create computer courses
and tests for Infection Control and in Clinical Training. From there, the sky is the limit - training and reference materials
for billing, admissions, laboratory procedures - anything that is currently being taught to employees can be contained at
their desktop.
Touch on the link below to view a sample page from the Fire Safety Course at Newport Hospital.
Sample of Computer Based Training Course
Smart Cookies Consulting is proud to be a part of this innovative and time saving initiative with Newport Community Hospital.
To view Newport's home page, please touch on the link below.
Newport Community Hospital home page